Frequently Asked Questions

What form of payment do you accept?

We gladly accept PayPal and most major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Payments are 100% secure and use SSL encryption.

Can I cancel my order?

Each product on MadeByFaith is made individually, on-demand. Once you’ve completed your order, we place it in line to be printed and shipped. You can make changes or cancel your order only if we haven’t printed the product yet.
If you want to change your order, write to as soon as possible so that we can manage to make those changes in time.

Can I return or exchange my order?

We guarantee 100% satisfaction.
Each product is made to order, with love, ensuring the highest quality and attention to detail.
In the rare event that an order is shipped with a defect, we will offer a replacement.
If, for any reason, you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we accept returns within 14 days of receiving your order.

When can I expect my order?

We print and ship our products in 2-7 days. Most products are shipped within 5 days, but in some cases we manage to do that even faster – around half of our products are actually sent out within 3 days.
You can add the estimated shipping time on top of these fulfillment times to get an idea of how fast you’ll receive your order.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we can ship to almost any country in the world.
Your order will take a little while longer than most US based orders approximately 5-15 days, sometimes slightly longer pending any potential delays with customs clearance.

Can I get a refund?

If you’re unhappy with a product that you’ve received and would like to get a refund, get in touch with us. Together we’ll work out a solution.
1. Contact us at and tell us about the problem.
2. We’ll let you know what the next steps are.
Keep in mind that requests for a refund must be submitted within 7 days after the estimated delivery date. This includes claims for misprinted/damaged/defective products, as well as packages lost in transit.

We’re happy to answer questions.
Please fill out the form below if you need assistance.